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27 nov 2013

VISIT TO "NARNIA" (ASLAN niepubliczna szkoła podstawowa i gimnazjum)

This morning I have been with Martyna in " Narnia " ! . Well, not exactly Narnia , but it seemed. We have been in a private school in Glogów , where I helped Martyna to conduct a workshop about Human Rights. This school is decorated about this movie: the entrance with a wooden door emulating gate into the kingdom of Narnia, the wardrobe, antique sofas , fancy painted walls ... very nice ! This is a school that has been operating for two years , which aims to quality education for their students do , therefore, in every class no more than 15 students . In this school there are two levels : primary and middle school. The workshop today was for children in aged 8-9 . From the outset ,the creator of this school have presented us with great kindness to most teachers and have taught us the building facilities. Not very big , this school is located on the top floor of a building devoted to studies, conferences , cultural events, etc. . They have treated me very kindly , they have even tried to talk to me in Spanish . I felt almost like a famous person because they have led me to classes and  they have introduced me to the students. They have been told that the next day I will speak to them in Spanish because they study Spanish. Also, I met the Spanish teachers what tells me there is much demand ! It is a good opportunity to find contacts here and get a job that allows me to settle in Glogów .

In the workshop we conducted two sets : the first , consisting of groups of drawing an island where three human rights are represented . It was a little difficult because the kids were a bit naughty but in the end was very good . The student responses have been quite revealing. We have brought to their lifestyle in which we can see that they have the right to ask to play with computer ... Makes you wonder ... They have also surfaced issues such as violence , alcohol and drugs. Some children have asked what to do about this.

The second is a puzzle game about building human rights . Teams are divided by groups and  they had to order the pieces . We had not much more time because these two activities have been quite long. In the end, Martyna has read them and distributed a text on the subject . It was hard but it was worth it . I think the message has been transmitted. Will repeat this activity in coming days and hope to help Martyna . I think it does a great job ! Thanks to this school and to Martyna! See you ! :)

25 nov 2013


Last week in Bukwica, we were visited by participants of Vocational Guidance Project PSOUU of Glogów. We had a cooking workshop where we prepare delicious pizzas and then we dance together Salsa. At the end of dance, one of the kids came to me, hugged me and said me: Bravo Sara! How beautiful! :) With children, we draw a mural about International Children's Day and also we had Spanish classes. Actually, they are very interested! Thank you all for this great day!

22 nov 2013


About to complete 4 months in Poland , I want to stop for a moment and analyze what is happening around me. I must say that my feelings about wanting to stay here has not changed. Moreover, with each passing day my desire to stay here indefinitely are greater. Time passes very quickly and really I do not want to get the date on my project ends. I am really scared because I do not know what will happen . Will I have enough resources to live here?  Will things change a lot after the project ? Would be difficult to find a job? Many questions in my head daily but that certainly will work and I will do my best to make my dream to live in Poland , reality.

My happiness here is still full . There are a few hiccups but overall , things are working properly. I have started teaching Spanish in Szansa and  I am so glad , because there are so many people interested! I have twenty children attending my Spanish classes ! I am really happy and I will work hard to do my best !

In Dolina Milosci , everything is just as well. I can even say it is better : children rely more on me and hugs and expressions of affection are a constant ! I love these kids ! They make my day ! On the 29th of this month , we will celebrate in Kromolin The Spanish evening : Typical Spanish music, typical food , salsa ... I can not wait ! I will tell you !

As for the language , I think I am improving a lot. I do not have as many classes as I would like because Darek traveling much , but Ula help me and I try to study on my own too, so I do not lose much either. I got help from several people and above all, interact with the local people is what helps me to learn the language.

As for my new partner say that the situation is a bit complicated ... He not much contact with us because he do not know English and he  is frightened for it ... It really is a difficult situation because we want to help him but we do not know how ...

The weather is getting worse but my life here is getting better. That is the most important. I have met really lovely people and I feel great. I can only continue to give thanks for all this. Lately , I feel a little stressed and I find it harder to focus : many feelings , many different situations that have revolutionized my life but I know that this is temporary. Just I have to enjoy everything that life offers me and build my happiness.

As for love ... ainss... is always so complicated ... Fear often paralyzes me . I feel like when I like someone and I show it , that person loses interest in me ... perhaps I imagining it but it is something that always worries me. I have to try not to think too much and feel but the fear of disappointment , pain , to hurt me is so great that many times I am the one who put barriers . I have known several people, including a very special person ... the only thing I can say at the moment ... :)

To that end, this experience is still the best of my life and I do not want out!! I am happy! Thank you!

18 nov 2013

Szkolenie dla grup organizacji i na Temat przeciwdziałania młodzieżowych rasizmowi i dyskryminacji.(II)

Last weekend, we met again in Leszno for the second part of the course: Szkolenie dla grup organizacji i na Temat przeciwdziałania młodzieżowych rasizmowi i dyskryminacji.
Leszno, 11-12 października 2013 oraz 15-16 listopada 2013 (CHARM, Civic help for Anti-Racist Measures).

This time it was not so hard for me, because they translated for me the most of the course content and  I could participate in the activities smoothly. Again, thank you all for your patience. You are great, I hope to see you soon!


On November 8th, the new EVS volunteer arrived: Davide. He is from Italy and will be my new flatmate. 


Every Monday in the organization (Szansa)  I made my workshop about Spain "Aula Española". At the beginning there was not much demand but at last, we have created a nice group. In this workshop, we discussed various topics about Spain: from  history to culture, traditions and current situation, etc.. It is during two very pleasant hours! Thanks to the participants for making this possible! Gracias!!

4 nov 2013


Last Wednesday, Dorota and I went to a conference of volunteerism. The event was attended by many young people from various schools. Actually, there was not a conference, but rather,was a workshop in which subjects were exposed to discuss about volunteering. We split into groups and we work on the proposed topics. Our theme was: How to keep motivate volunteers, how to work with them, etc.. To this group was later joined Anna (responsible for Szansa) After this, I talked about the European Voluntary Service. Dorota was my translator. It was a productive morning, although the language is a little obstacle for me, but thanks to Dorota, I could follow this topics.

                                                                    Dorota and me, talked about European Voluntary Service.

3 nov 2013


Today is a sad Sunday. Eclipse of sun, rainy, cloudy... I feel sad as day. I have had a great weekend, a lot of fun and dancing, but since yesterday I just think of something that has happened. Three months ago I live in Glogów and the first weekend , I met a boy. The connection was immediate and I feel good when I am with him. At first, communication was a little difficult but gradually the language is no longer a problem. Last Friday I met him in a bar after several days without seeing him. All great as usual, until he confessed me something: he must go to prison for three years. Why? What nonsense, quarrels ... If he goes to the prison, that will destroy his life ... He is so young ... I can not even imagine ... It is always the same shit,(sorry). Judges can put other punishment, there are alternatives ... but not, detain a person is the easiest way ... I would like to do something but I do not what... It is so complicated and I do not know how justice works in Poland, but what I do know is that it is very severe. Life is so unfair ... Society must give a second chance to young people. Children and young people are molded by society and when they break the law,they become useless and they are thrown into the trash ... I have always believed in the goodness of people. We are humans and we make mistakes but we deserve that trust on us . In Spain there is a judge famous for its exemplary sentences , Emilio Calatayud. This judge applies a punishment in proportion to the offense committed . If a young man steals an elderly, he imposed as punishment , go to a nursing home to perform social services. Calatayud, does not believe in jail , as a form of rehabilitation and reintegration. The jail, rarely, rehabilitates persons, it  leaves an indelible mark on the person who is deprived of his liberty . That wound will never heal ... So I admire him because he is a role model , because as he says : " I have the feeling of not having denied that second chance that can change the lives of people doomed to be meat in prison " . I feel so anguish of not knowing what will happen with this guy . I hope he get lucky and finally , he do not go to prison , because really, that is not the solution ... jails full of people who have not had an opportunity in your life and while the real criminals are on the street ... not fair ...