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1 jun 2014


Yesterday, I had a crisis. Strong crisis. Yesterday I exploded ... Since I returned to Poland, I have been dragging a lot of stress and worries about my future here. Actually, my expectations were too high and now I have hit a wall. Nevertheless, I have always tried to stay positive and optimistic, always with a smile on my face. And I thought that would work. Until yesterday, I collapsed. I burst to mourn. From my mouth out hundreds and hundreds of  "I can not, I can not, I am not able..." So much time trying to convince me that everything was fine until yesterday something made me see that things are not going well. Yesterday I broke down, but I have not given up. This is another battle that I have to face. One of many battles. So far, I have not lost because I am still alive. I know myself and I know, that this "crisis" should happen. It is a warning that something is wrong and must change. So now, Sara, you have to fight like never before. In the end, I will win the battle for me and for all the people who love me.

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